
it's bloody cold, and it's just going to get colder. dubya is working to guarantee the economic collapse of the united states during our lifetimes. we just got a new secretary of state who will be loathed world-wide, despite being both black and a woman. we are trading a privacy invading police state style attorney general for one who thinks torture is not without some value. we are currently fighting a war for the continuation of entrenched power (in our country) on foriegn soil that has little to nothing to do with its expressed purpose. said country is about to hold elections which will put a nice shine of democracy on virtual anarchy and power grabbing. americans have already mostly forgotten about 150,000 dead in asia (including myself) due to the sheer scope of the tragedy. if i were a religious man (which i'm not), i just might say that the world was coming to an end. i won't, but i expect to see a paradigm shift in the next fifty or so years that will catch all of the blind followers of this country by surprise.
sorry this post is such a drag, but world affairs don't tend to be sweetness and light. keep the faith (if it makes sense), viva la revolucion, and fuck bush.


i don't have much time, so i'll keep this very brief. this inauguration day, do something good for your country. you don't even have to kill anyone. simply remind friends and family of what will prove to be w's legacy: the end of the united states of america. whether we are deposed by the dispossessed, or taken over by fascists from within, we will never be the great country we have been at various points in our history, ever again.


it's been a new year of hard partying so far, with as yet no restful relaxing weekend to recoup and recharge, but i can't say that i am regretful. siouxs! and i quit smoking, not as a new year's resolution, but just because. we're not one hundred percent by any means, but this should really be the year that we get shut of it once and for all. damn the tobacco bastards.
this should prove to be an eventful year. siouxs!'s sister moves to bean town today, and by the end of the month, howler monkey is going to have to spend an extended stay in the waters of lake minnetonka. rynomite is back in town, and tomatohead is coming for a visit soon. personal social upheaval isn't my strong suit, so i'm not exactly looking forward to the changes the coming year will bring, but for once, i will try to remain optimistic. on rare occasion, optimism proves founded.
nonetheless, fuck bush.