
random friday stuff

i'm back in this moment to moment mentality... i can't concentrate on anything today.  people are pissing me off without meaning to.
baseball is about to start for real, and i'm excited about that, though i doubt i'll be able to follow it as much because of the baby.  we'll see.
i had a dream about bootsy last night.  s/he spill kool-whip on me.  i wish i had a read on that one.
republikkkans... bastards
demokkkrats... innefectual bastards
i've been so busy at work lately, i haven't had time for these flighty spells.  at least today is friday.  i need a drink.
perhaps more later.
fuck bush.



antonin scalia, aka tactmaster flash, is a real dick.
we all knew this anyway, but now, we have it on camera.  and i quote, "to my critics, i say, ?vaffanculo."  let's break that down, shall we?
"to my critics" - by whom, tony can only mean every american who doesn't want to  torture the brown people.  those bastards.  how can any good red-blooded american not find it in their heart to attach alligator clamps to the nipples of any afghani/arab we can get our hands on (and if he/she is a terrorist, bonus!)? 
who else might be a critic of antonin scalia?  those terrible people who think every woman is a hostage to her own uterus?  those people who don't value human life so much that they'll kill for it?
critics of antonin scalia: the gays and gay sympathizers.  in fact, anyone who thinks that anything other than missionary position vanilla sex is ok must be a critic of scalia.
i guess that's why he told us all to "go get fucked up the ass" in that cute sicilian accent of his.  sorry tony, but i don't swing that way.  if there was any real justice in the world, you'd be hearing that every night in sing sing (but not just in italian).
pardon my (possibly misspelled) french, but "vas tous fait foutre en cul, antonin."
or "chinga tu culo."  whichever works better for you.


rah! rah! rah!

the demokkkrats have a plan!  it may not be much, but it's a start, and it's something we can all get behind.  that's right, five years after the terrorists attacked us, let's actually go get osama bin laden, the guy responsible!  who'd have thought?  after careful searching, we have determined that he is not in iraq (where he was never even rumored to be, but wouldn't that have been clever of him?).  all of our intelligence leads us to believe that he is in afghanistan or (more likely) pakistan, some of the toughest country on the planet.  fortunately for us, the area is largely populated by afghanis, some of the toughest people on the planet!  someone over there can probably point to the right cave, or perhaps to the dialysis machine that he has to get to on a pretty regular basis.  justice will be served!
and then, we can stop making things worse in iraq.  we'll need to pull back on our troops there, though not all at once.  in all likelyhood, we're going to be paying for that mess for years to come.  hopefully it's a problem we can help with "aid" as opposed to one that will have to be paid in "blood" collected by all the "people who never in a million years would have been terrorists had we not pissed them off so much in the last three years."
stand together, demokkkrats.  you might just be onto something.
fuck bush.


la migra

ok, frankly, i think it's a political dodge at a time when republikkkans need to take some heat off of themselves and dubya, but here it is: immigration. 
there's a sign on the statue of liberty that basically says we want to add all of the world's strivers and seekers to our mix.  some of the greatest achievers throughout american history have been immigrants.  with the exception of the native americans, we are all immigrants.
blah blah blah, you've heard all of that before.
i say open that shit up.  let 'em all in.  yes, quarantine the diseased, background check if necessary, but open the borders.  worried about illegal immigrants taking american jobs?  if everyone is legal, no one can pay an immigrant a dollar an hour to bust his ass all day long.  we would even be creating jobs, as we'd have to get a lot more immigration officials to handle the increased flow.
if you take the "keep them out" mentality that most conservatives have towards non-white immigrants and combine it with the christian fanatics wanting to outlaw abortion and gay adoption, it all becomes clear.  they want to have our very own home-bred underclass.  let the bottom rung speak english they say in their xenophobic shrieks.
(here's hoping an el salvadorian) fuck(s both of the) bush (twins).



still no bootsy yet, but it's looming closer.
slow weekend, busy monday.  we have a container-load of wine coming in today, and as i have been for the past week or so, i am trying to ready things for my absence.  i spent the weekend fixing things, installing a baby gate (mostly for the dogs), figuring out how to put the car seat in, and other such preparatory stuff.  i feel like i need to be done preparing now and just wait for the baby, but every time i try to sit down, i think of something else that really would be easier to do now.  modern drunkards have told me to sleep, but that isn't so easy right now either.
sometimes recently i have been thinking about bringing a baby into this corrupt and dangerous world.  i refuse to teach this baby that fear is a way of life like the republikkkans are trying to sell us, but at the same time, there are so many things that i will have to fear for my child that my mother didn't have to worry about when i was growing up.  despite my patent refusal to fear the arab world, dubya is creating tomorrow's america-hating terrorists today.  according to the online database, there are dozens of registered sex offenders living in a two mile radius of my house.  christian fundamentalists are worming their way into greater levels of power in an attempt at a christian theocracy in which i don't want my child to grow up.
i refuse to live in fear.  call me a sci-fi nerd if you must but "fear is the mind killer."
fuck you, dubya.  i'm not afraid of you.


kill 'em all, and let the devil shake their hands

i'm a few hours late in seeing it, but i just read an americablog post about left wing loonies versus right wing loonies.  the basic premise was that we left wingers don't have the same level of hatred and fear that the right wing psychos do.  i would have to ammend that statement somewhat.  as anyone who has read more than one post of mine knows, i am quite full of anger.  invective spews forth from my mouth and fingertips any time i hear of the latest atrocity.  i seeth every time i see a neo-con bastard lying to the populace on tv, and bubble over with hatred every time i hear republikkkan talking points reported as fact by "objective" news sources.
the difference is that mine is righteous anger.  likely due to my literalist nature, i have an overdeveloped sense of fair play.  i never did fully come to terms with "well, the world is unfair" and as a result, i am a liberal.  fair play also explains to some large extent my belief that not everyone deserves to live.  in my opinion, if a murderer can be proven to have killed another person maliciously, their life is forfeit.  or, on a broader scale, if an administration official sends people off to die with callous disregard for their lives (and on evidence known to be flawed), their lives are equally worthless.
that's right, i am am really saying that.  bush, cheney, rumsfeld, etc. deserve the chair, the gas chamber, lethal injection, hanging, or beheading for the iraq war.  afghanistan is another story; at least we had some reason for being there (though regime change was not it).
i guess my usual fuck bush isn't strong enough today.


"bar" = twat

just in case anyone thought i missed it, barbera bush is a twat.  i'm usually inclined to give the matriarch of a family the benefit of the doubt, but seriously, to make a tax deductible donation to her son and herself?  when our baby is born, can we make a tax deductible to the baby?  well, let's see,  if we channel it through a legitimate non-profit organization, then earmark the enourmous sum for use with a specific company that the baby will run and we have invested in...  i think we can pull this off.
fuck all them bushes...


don't fear the irony

conservatives are a bunch of whiny little brats, according to a study at uc berkeley.  ok, perhaps every study coming out of berkeley is a little suspect, but it brings up an interesting point.  fear makes people conservative.  fear makes people look to traditions for the answers rather than seeking them in the here and now.  fear of foreigners makes them tighten border security, even as the fear of having to scrub a toilet makes them then pass guest worker legislation.  fear of arabs is beaten into the population to alleviate the elite's fear that the oil is going to run out, then this raises the price of crude, thus alleviating the wealth monsters' fear that profit margins might fall.  fear of biological warfare is parlayed into increased duct tape profits.  fear of change gets an incompetent reelected, almost every time.
fuck bush


question for the two person multitudes

i really hate it when someone else does my job.  yesterday, my immediate boss got into a twenty minute phone call that i had already taken care of.  the whole thing could have been taken care of with a quick "did you do x already?," but instead turned into a twenty minute phone call and a passive aggressive hint that someone else has to do part of my job for me.  i hate people sometimes, and passive aggressive people all the time. 
i've been thinking about splitting this blog into two.  one would be my political rants, one would be everything else.  my four readers, what do you think?  do you mind the mixed-up-never-know-what-he's-gonna-post-next nature of this blog, or (perhaps more to the point) do you even care?  i so rarely get comments that i wonder if anyone actually reads this stuff.  i'd continue anyway, because it serves as a semi-diary for me, but that's me.
check out the new annotated rant.  very informative and funny.
fuck bush


can't believe...

dear god, i spoke too soon in my last post.  dubya announced today that troops will stay in iraq until the end of his presidency.  i thought that him still being president for three more years was punishment enough, but now he's just letting us know directly that the poor and their children mean nothing to him.  let's see, 2300 american dead in the first three years, so by extrapolation, 4600 during his reign of terror (and god knows how many iraqis)?  how many deaths can one being take weighing on one's soul?

tuesday afternoon ennui

i think i'm suffering from outrage overload.  true, i am still capable of high moments of passion, but these days, our government pisses me off so much every day that i feel like i can't retain new grievances (that is, unless i drop one of the existing ones).
the cardinals need a quality second baseman.  how i wish i could play second base.  or baseball.  or sports.
still no baby, but the prospect looms ever closer.
the status quo seems to be pretty damned static right now.  i'm saving bottles and kerosene to change that.
fuck bush.


monday afternoon tired ass tired

that dirty bastard son of a bitch prez is trying to use his own failures and idiocy to get his wealthy folks tax cut/education funding slash passed.  please, both of my readers, tell two someones about this.  if we continue spreading the news, maybe something will be done.
i've been breaking my ass in the warehouse all day, so today will be a short post, unless they manage to make me angry enough to post again.
fuck bush.


and iran so far away

what will it take to take down this dangerously powerful monster?
who can stop the runaway freight train loaded with evil?
what can we, as americans, do to stop these religious zealots from destoying our way of life?
as no doubt my astute reader(s) have already guessed, i don't think that iran is a danger to us, theocracy or no theocracy (us or them).  i believe the head of the joint chiefs of staff when he told us that iran was not responsible for creating ied's for the iraqi insurgency.  true, they are seeking nuclear weapons, but pakistan and north korea already have them, and you don't see us fucking with them, now do you?  if something isn't done soon, we're going to fight another wrongful and meaningless war.  someone needs to explain to dubya that the crusades were over hundreds of years ago, and they were largely unsuccessful and wasteful of materials and human lives (not that he cares about the lives).  at one point i felt like we as a nation needed to stop policing the world.  now i feel that we need to stop bullying the non-nuclear powers of the world.  why do we pretend to care about african genocides when we continue to tyrannically subdue populations ourselves (or, at the very least, propping up dictators to do the job for us)?
i know you can't talk to a "christian," (well, i can't anyway) but we need to reclarify that the teachings of christ say that it is never appropriate to kill people.  or hate people.  or harm people.  or even hurt their feelings.  time for some cheek turning, you "christians."
jesus would be so disappointed.
fuck bush.


short thoughts

happy st patrick's day.  if you don't drink some jameson or guiness today, you're un-american.
the baby is getting really close.  it's hard for me to believe that soon i will be responsible for the life of another human being.  i'm so excited and scared to death at the same time.
some marketing company tried to figure out how best to advertise using my site (or so statcounter tells me).  that's pretty funny.  is there an anticapitalist magazine out there, or some other patently ironic thing that wants to advertise with me?  if so, drop a line, and i'll think about it.
short post.  readership has fallen off from a peak of double digit hits a day, so my motivation is less than spectacular.
fuck bush


pre-emptive rant

dubya's white house released a document today that defends the strategy of pre-emptive war.  it is based on the assumption that no one else in the world is capable of making their own responsible defense decisions.  it implies that democracy is the only form of government we as a nation will tolerate for other nations (though history shows that that is not at all true). 
nuclear non-proliferation is a joke anyway.  the number of countries that probably have the technology at this point to build at least a small nuclear weapon probably numbers in the dozens.  the idea that "countries who didn't have it by this point in time can't have it at all" is foolish, as evidenced by the fact that multiple countries (like u.s. ally israel) just ignored it and got the bombs anyway.  meanwhile, we who were allowed to retain our weapons built more and more and more in readiness for a statistical impossibility.
how many time can you kill a person, anyway?
let's get those terrorists before they get us.  hell, let's get 'em before they become terrorists.  let's just gas all the arab children.  yee-ha.
i really hate being american sometimes.
fuck bush.


gthedamanifesto (now brief enough for american attention spans!)

making a quick referal to americablog, one of my favorite sources for info about those bastards.  check out the longer post about the washington post's mislabelling bloggers as the "liberal base" of the democratic party.
a few words on that topic myself.  i am pretty liberal on the whole, as the profile stuff to the right would attest.  i do believe in big government as the only possible alternative to the (infinitely preferable but virtually impossible) no government option.  though my liberalism isn't pure, neither do i consider it an inappropriate or even scathing label.  i'm proud to be pretty damned liberal.
that said, i am not a part of the democratic party's "base."  i am essentially pragmatic in this regard.  the democratic party represents a shift toward my side.  i do not think that a third party can win real influence until one of the two currently in power goes down in flames.  of the two, i'm hoping that's the one with a wing currently on fire.  basically, i want the republikkkans out because they're so good at playing politics, even when they're openly evil, they get support.  the democrats are essentially weak due to their pandering to the "centrist majority," and as such my angry liberal people's party would be able to gain a foothold.
until then, vote democrat: they're not strong enough to be (genuinely) evil
and fuck bush.


short attention spa... hey, a bird!

i can't concentrate on anything these days, as i'm too eagerly anticipating the babay, but here are a few short bursts of rant for those who care.
hell yes, russell feingold, i want to see the president censured, but not just for the wiretapping.  too bad it didn't really stick, because all politicians are inherently a bunch of pussies, too afraid to actually take a stand and risk pissing off some mythical centrist in their electorate.
mad cow wouldn't exist if we didn't feed cows to cows.  as long as it's cannibalism we're going for, we should be practicing it ourselves, not forcing it on other unsuspecting species.
the next republikkkan who wants to claim that iraq is not in a state of civil war needs to go there.  there aren't minimum body counts to call it a civil war, it just is.  look who's fighting who, and you'll see (and our troops, god bless 'em, are pretty much shooting anyone who looks scary, which is to say at this point, defiant and iraqi).
how long till we go to war with iran?  the bastards in the white house only have three more years, if we're going to let our religious extremists get into a fight with thier religious extremists, they need to work fast.  actually, here's a better plan.  send james dobson, pat robertson, bill frist, that kansas bastard who likes to picket funerals, and anyone else screaming about jesus and trampling on his teachings to alienate and destroy everyone who's different from their boring asses.  fucking xenophobe/homophobe/muslimphobe sons of bitches.
tom delay is going to end up getting a promotion, firm handshake, and a blowjob for his fine service and (lack of) ethics.  lets not pretend anymore.
fuck bush with an i.e.d.


rediscovered: rant-squirrel

we put together the baby's room yesterday afternoon, and then i had a complete kitchen meltdown.  i tried to make a roast with potatoes, carrots and onions, but there wasn't enough liquid to cook the vegetables in, and they just dried out.  let me assure you, you cannot boil predried potatoes or carrots until they become tender.  i have tried.  it sucked.
one of the dogs picked up a squirrel corpse last week, and since then, i have to hold them away from the place it has been decomposing away.  now it's supposed to get cold again after a weekend of shorts weather.  this squirrel's going to be here till june.
that bastard's down to 30% approval.  30%!  russ feingold wants to "censure" the president; i say we ride his ass out of town on a rail.  thirty percent is a failing grade, period.  given the partisan state of the union these days, fifty-one seems pretty damned good, but thirty is still piss-poor.
can we get some lobbying reform already?  it sure seemed like a big deal for a minute there, but now that they've managed to shut abramhoff up, no one remembers.  again, we're stymied on making any real and meaningful change by the shortness of the american attention span and the willingness to sweep all evil deeds under the rug that runs rampant in the republikkkan party.
my coffee tastes like soap.  i haven't washed my mug in a week.  i blame the religious right, trying to clean up my language.  fuckin' assholes.
fuck frist.  (that looks really dirty.)


no, sony jim, this here is a bar

behold, the rare saturday morning blog post.  note the variant plumage...
our dvd player is fucked up.  no bother, we've got a playstation 2 that serves as a dvd player.  the playstation, however, has a child lock (hint: if you hit (x) five times in a row, you've figured out my code) which gives a level rating to each film you might attempt to watch.  it doesn't do this with video games, which i find a little odd, as modern video games are among the most disturbingly violent things i've ever seen (not that i'm complaining, just pointing out the fact).  anyway, out of nine, last night we put in "domino," which warrants a six.  it begins with "adult language" and a severed arm (we didn't get any farther than that, as siouxs! can't watch such graphic things around dinner time).  "can't buy me love" (i think, my eighties movie knowledge is lacking) which was rated pg-13 was an 8.  to the best of my recollection, there were no severed arms in "can't buy me love," not even so much as a finger.  there couldn't have been too much foul language, because pg-13 movies are only allowed one "fuck" per flick.  what evil, greater than maiming, shooting, and swearing gives this movie its high parental control level?  drinking.  drinking to the good people at sony, is worse than violence.  drinking may not be for everyone, sure, but chopping off people's arms is not for anyone.  booze is made to have a good time (though some people overuse the good time).  big fucking guns are made to put large holes in people (though some people never put big fucking holes in people).  which do you rate as more corrupting to our children?
fuck madd and the neo-prohibition movement, you killjoy bastards.


paradise city

this second post may prove to be a disappointment, as i've spent some of my writing juices on the re-instated company newsletter.
i've been listening to all the old 80's metal all afternoon, and man, is my neck sore.
so the dubai port management deal seems to have fallen through, but aren't the people who were trying so hard to push it through (ie darth and dubya) considered to be pretty good at shady business dealings (or at least wont to engage in them)?  and if not them, shouldn't someone they know be able to make the deal work through puppet companies and shadow corporations, and possibly some kind of shadow-puppet sorcery?
it's about seventy degrees out in st. louis, so i'll be getting outside now.
fuck bush.

quick updates

bootsy update: i'm not giving exact numbers so as not to influence the bootsygame, but we've got a big one on our hands, people. long-tall, like his/her old man. we're getting really close now. i'm sure i'll post pictures like a stupid new dad as soon as i can.

dubya's approval rating continues to drop... can we say impeachment? open revolt? ok, scratch that last. i don't need any more surveillance.

my home state is the latest in the fight against women (new south dakota state motto: back to the kitchen, gash). (wow, i even offended myself.)

according to statcounter, yesterday, gthedamned had its 1500th hit. thanks, all four of you readers, for coming back again and again.

perhaps i'll post again later. for now, fuck bush.



last night was an exercise in pain.  i went for my first real run in months, and my back did not like me afterwards at all.  following, we went to eat wings and salads.  i opted for the hottest available sauce.  the first one was pretty hot, but easily bearable.  the second one was tough, but that was the one that wore my tastebuds out, so it was a blessing in disguise.  i ate the remaining ten wings without incident (other than my nose pouring like a faucet), but this morning, my innards aren't all that fond of me, and my back still hurts.
dubya's in nawlins.  would that he could feel guilt at all.  if only he could respond with some kind of genuine emotion and not that stupid smirk he modifies to show "deep thoughts."  can he meet some of the multitudes whose lives he's ruined?  how about someone who lost their home in katrina and their child in iraq?  surely there's one.  may the weight of thousands of american dead sit in his black heart forevermore (and countless more iraqi dead, but we know he doesn't think of them as human beings).
fuck bush


more republikkkan chicanery

i hate bullies.  look at this or this.
liddy dole, you bitch.  the people of this country actually respected you.
fuck dole (man, it feels good to say that again!)

elephant memories

i'm continuing to shout at the top of my cyberlungs about the domestic spying issue.  goddamned television, we have such short attention spans in this country.  if a scandal doesn't involve sex, we can't talk about it for more than a week or two before 95% of americans are bored and change the channel.
don't forget, america, that your president feels that he can spy on you without legal authority.
don't forget, america, that your president told you we were going to war to stop "terrorist-linked iraq" and their "weapons of mass destruction"
later downgraded to "weapons of mass destruction related program activities," which is easliy enough words to diffuse any real meaning.  oh, and there are terrorists in iraq.  at least there are now.  perhaps that was a prediction, not a statement of fact.
don't forget, america, that your vice president shot a man in the face, and didn't even apologize for days.
don't forget, america, that none of these bastards commanding our army and sending your children to war has ever been in harm's way serving their country.
don't forget, america, that both your president and vice president are making quite a tidy profit off of their own policies (between defense and oil, it's a good time to be unshamefully weathy).
don't forget, america, that the current administration reversed a budget surplus, turning it into the biggest budget deficit in american history, dooming our children to near perpetual recession.
this is due to a tax cut by and for, who else, the obscenely wealthy while simultaneously causing military spending to skyrocket (i would say defense spending, but we've actually cut spending on most things that can be considered actual defense of the country).
don't forget, america, that seventeen of nineteen september 11th hijackers were from saudi arabia, our best authoritarian regime friend in the middle east
and the other two were from the u.a.e., to whom we're selling control of our ports because they're such good friends (to our filthy oil baron president).
don't forget, america, that you've been lied to since the 2000 campaign trail.
republikkkans don't like you.  you're not wealthy enough.
don't forget, america, that it is we the people who make this country strong (and fight its wars), not the rich elite.
fuck bush.


thus sayeth the lord

Image hosting by Photobucket i saw a link to a "christian news-source." they call us "pro-aborts." i'm not sure that even makes sense.

an apology to the people of iraq

how civil can a war be, anyway?  the iraqi people are finding out the hard way right about now that the answer is "not goddamned very."  and guess who's to blame?  that's right, it's us.  i'll personally shoulder my share of the responsibility.  when bush stole the white house in 2000, i didn't fight tooth and nail to stop the machinations of evil.  i mean, i railed against him, but i didn't do enough.  in 2002, when congress determined that the government can do pretty much whatever it wants to do, i didn't raise nearly enough hell.  oh, i'd like to think that i swayed the opinions of at least a very few people with my liberal rants, but we were all (myself included) still too stunned by september 11th to fight so hard, and the threat of more terrorist attacks seemed to dull the outrage at being scrutinized at every turn and all but stripsearched at every airport (for some reason, though i'm pretty pale with a whitebread last name, i used to be stopped at every "extra security" check in the airport.  i think they have a problem with goatees.).
when "operation iraqi freedom" began, i was incensed, but i didn't protest every day, or even most days.  i went to a few peace rallies, but, i didn't do enough.  i can see that now.  when that asshole gave his "mission accomplished" speech, i foamed at the mouth, but not in the right locale.  for the past two plus years, i have spoken out in conversations and in cyberspace about how evil and wrong this war is, but to no avail, because it wasn't enough.  at this point, i wonder if an armed insurrection would be enough.  sure, dubya's approval numbers are rapidly approaching single digits, but even with him out, that doesn't take care of the full problem.  there's still cheney, rove, rice, rumsfeld, gonzales, mcclellan, alito, frist, delay, boehner, blunt, hastert, bill o'reilly, chris matthews, sean hannity, ann coulter, rush limbaugh, and any number of other cockroaches ready to eat the bodies of their dead and take their place spewing invective and fooling the american people into thinking that xenophobia, homophobia, and a basic inherent all-pervading fear are patriotism.
i'm sorry, iraq.  i tried, but not hard enough.  please join me, as i'm sure you do every day, in a resounding fuck bush.


throw out the baby bell with the bathwater

i was compared to grizzly adams this morning for what i call my "devil-redneck" facial hair look and as yet unshorn locks.  in short, i have a lot of hair right now.  as perhaps i've blogged before, in lieu of a religion, i tend to make up superstitions, and then follow them until they bore me.  this time, shortly before siouxs! learned she was pregnant, i decided i wasn't going to cut my hair until we had a baby.  the extra facial hair is a recent addition that won't be summarily removed when the baby is born.  it will last until siouxs! can't stand the moustache anymore, and then perhaps another two days while i pretend "it's my face, and i'll do what i want."
south dakota, you bastards.  well, it's a fight now, isn't it?  seven out of nine justices on the supreme court vote republikkkan, but not every republican is a republikkkan, so i guess we'll see if any of them have the integrity to stand on the precedent rather than bow and scrape to the "conservative base" (after all, though it's a lifetime appointment for them, it's an election year for lots of their buddies...).
at&t was forced to split into many smaller companies, one of which (sbc, formerly southwestern bell) is all groweds-up and now is buying the old at&t remnant and name, making it as big as it was before.  who would have thought that an industry once chided for its monopoly might regain it under the bush "fuck the little guy" administration?  i smell bad things for the little guy.
fuck bush.

non-golden shower

welcome back from the weekend, ladies and gentlemen.  siouxs! had her family-thrown baby shower yesterday, and we got a shit-ton of baby stuff, including infant sized cardinals gear.
we're at t-minus one month (roughly).  i'm still scared to death, though i'm also thrilled at the idea. 
i have way too many cases to unload today, so i'm cutting this short.  i'll try to post again later today.
fuck bush.


outsourcing: thinking bigger

ok, look.  i have nothing against india at all.  i like them, in fact.  however, i don't like the fact that they pursued and acquired nuclear weapons despite the world-wide non-proliferation treaty (i have the same beef with israel).  what i do want to know is what changed in our relations with india on this presidential visit.  let's see, they agreed to accept help with their non-military atomic energy programs, to change nothing at all about their nuclear weapons programs, and what else, exactly?
dubya also talked about india's role as a trade partner with the u.s., saying that some americans focus only on outsourcing.  my question to him isn't why are american companies (owned by billionaires) doing so much outsourcing, but rather, why aren't we doing more?  sure, tech support and manufacturing, those are the obvious jobs to send away, but what about upper management?  the average ceo in the states makes hundreds of times what the average employee makes... if we outsourced that job too, that could be merely a few grand!  think of the savings!
outsource our whole freakin' economy while you're at it.  eventually, you rich bastards will require enough servants to employ all of us who aren't in jail, right?


take me online to the ballgame

though it isn't regular season, baseball starts in twenty minutes.  today's first spring training game is against the mets, and i won't be able to do more than watch the score change online, because i'm not paying for a full season to hear one broadcast.  it's on xm, but i like my radio local.
so now there's video about the katrina response, and what do you want to bet the white house is going to spin bush's silence as something along the lines of "well, he wasn't actively causing problems to arise."
short post today.  i need to get ready for baseball.
fuck bush


rash wednesday

there are no catholics in my office, which is good, not because i don't like catholics, but because today is the day when i accidentally tell one of them "you've got some shit on your forehead" every year without fail. 
went to the downtown mardi gras parade last night, and was as usual disappointed in the float quality level, but had a good time nonetheless.  amazingly enough, i did not drink, though not from lack of desire.  it seems that the actual fat tuesday parade in the stl is the "family" version, with far less beer and boobs to enliven the festivities.  the kids are cute, but it's still just a six block parade.
i have and will always continue to be a skeptic about st louis's mardi gras.  since nawlins is something of an adopted home for me, i can't get over how uptight my current city of residence gets about everything.  the cops turn to complete dicks (not that there's that far for them to go), and the local businesses act as though the floods of fools are a burden rather than a revenue increase.  at least they lowered the fines for public urination this year...
why i can never run for public office (part one)
conservative opponent: the american people think that baby killing is wrong.
gthedamned for congress: duly noted, but what's their policy on me tearing your head off with my bare hands, drink the blood mixed with overproof rum from your head, and then vomit on your remains?  and a followup question, how's this evening look for you?
i just get too passionate about political things, but sometimes i really think i should run for something.  mind, i don't even know where i'd start.  my thought is, though, i'll lay my shit out there before they try to dig up too much dirt on me.  i drink.  i used to do drugs.  i'm something of a radical.  here's what i stand for, and if you don't like it, we can talk about it, but i may start screaming at you.  a kinder, gentler gthedamned, who looks to the future and hopes it doesn't have a bunch of neo-con assholes, otherwise, lock and load, it's revolution time.