
ding, dong, delay's reign of terror is dead

much like i didn't see the final score of the fla/ucla game last night, i didn't find out about tom delay stepping down until this morning, and what a smile it brought to my face.  the fact that he's voluntarily stepping down now means he needs to do something to keep from hurting the whole party, which is great.  i don't think getting rid of one of the most corrupt majority leaders in american history will do too much to help the republikkkan party's image (after all, they did make hime majority leader), but they think it will help, which is perfect (nothing will help at this point but razing the whole power structure).
we're winning, people.  we're showing the corrupt, the wealth protectors, and the religious zealots that they cannot keep us in check with a dismissive word or by branding us traitors for disputing the government's false claims.  everything that is great about this country is about to come back into focus (it may take a few years, less if we can impeach that bastard).  what a reward for living through the dark age this could be...
oh, and the redbirds showed the phillies who's boss, and scott rolen made them regret trading him away, so all is good with the world.
according to the cardboard wheel, today was supposed to be bootsy's birthday.  we'll see...
fuck bush.

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