
really? you mean he doesn't want to tax his freshly infused tremendous family wealth? who would have thought. god forbid the government try to take in more money to slow the hemmoraging economy.
are the neo-cons the most fiscally irresponsible lawmakers ever to hold power in the united states? well with the exception of andrew " 'mater sack" wilkinson from the fictional tennessee district of hog holler county, who actually burned the tax revenues from his constituents before buying a wagon large enough to transport the entire hog holler county seat (he claimed it was a way to avoid property taxes, and won every subsequent election in a landslide, even though it never worked. what can i say, my people aren't always the brightest.), the answer is unequivocally and somewhat confusingly, yes.
tax-and-spend is considered a bad word when applied to liberals, but where does tax-cut-and-spend-anyway fall in the spectrum? this is really going to suck in about ten years (not that it's a picnic now).

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