
ok, very quickly now... i'm a little worried to see the collaboration of george herbert walker bush (my third most hated president of my lifetime) and william jefferson clinton (favorite president of my lifetime). even though they are working for a worthy cause, that bill could be in the same room with that slimy old bastard is beyond me...
fuck bush (take your pick)


rest in peace, dr. thompson. pistols and wild turkey can make for a good afternoon, but this time they have taken someone who will be missed. way to not fade out, you gonzo son of a bitch.


first of all, we got our dsl set up last night. i imagine that means you can expect more posting, at least for a little while. however, since i do most of my posting at work, there are no guarantees on that.
second, anytime you hear a republikkkan say good for the economy, that means "good for several of my ceo friends/parents/children/cousins/spouse." to be fair, virtually anytime you hear a demokkrat say good for the economy, that means "good for my smaller corporate interest, which, though ostensibly ethical and even giving back to the community from time to time, is actually built on the backs of malaysian children, most of whom have lost fingers and even arms to the capitalist machine."
that's an awful lot of meaning to cram into one four word phrase.
see how much meaning you can get out of this four word phrase: fuck bush (faster/harder).


quitting smoking is fucking hard. i'm going through ten or more tea tree toothpicks a day now (day five). i have yet to commit an act of violence or destruction. siouxs! and i have not been in any serious arguments. i have made no sweeping apathetic proclamations like "i just don't care about anything anymore."
the sad thing is, all of these statements add up to success.
fucking tobacco bastards. why can't we use tobacco like, let's say the native americans, for ceremonial purposes (or whatever, i don't really care). if everyone made a big deal out of every cigarette/cigar/pipe/chaw/dip they ever had, then the tobacco bastards would be a lot less powerful.
fuck bush.


i have an idea. let's cut the budget of everything domestic. education? of course we don't need that. all of the important kids are going to private schools anyway. if the poor aren't ignorant, how can they be ground under the heel of society? healthcare. now that just has to go. bunch of medicaid/medicare freeloading beggars, everyone's looking for a handout these days just because they're "old and on a fixed income" or "broke." just because their "health problem" keeps them from getting a "job." try harder, you whiners.
i've got another great domestic black hole we can stop throwing money into. let's cut back the cabinet. let's see how high ranking government officials do when forced to live on twenty grand a year. let the senate have a five thousand dollar deductible and need a new gallbladder. with great wealth comes great power, but let's change that. how about this: we'll borrow and idea from monks of all stripes and religions. you want power, influence, if you want people to listen to your every word, take a vow of poverty. live simply and be no more harmful a parasite than absolutely necessary. i'll bet we could have a better class of politician in inside of a week.
god, fuck bush.