
thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday between halloween and the fourth of july, both of which are really just excuses to fuck with people. having said that, i had a pretty good thanksgiving, but nothing too exciting. everyone in knox vegas seems to have the flu, either transmitted by my baby brother or otherwise. haven was certainly the highlight of the trip, though the hanging around getting buzzed with mom and siouxs! comes in a fairly close second (and as long as i keep ranking things, seeing tr ricks playing football, however briefly they let me watch, was pretty sweet as well). the drive down could've been worse, but could've been better as well.
ok, just a brief political rant. it seems that bush and his bushies are still trying to stop the use of medicinal marijuana for cancer and aids patients at a federal level, since now ten states allow it. the logic is that marijuana is bad for you, so therefore any potential benefits should be overlooked. what happened to your funda-mentalist christian folderol, dubya? god made the weed. he also made a lot of other things that are bad for us, but very few of them are illegal. there are quite a few deadly mushroom species, and rattlesnakes are poisonous as well. bears and pumas have killed a few people in this country, why aren't they illegal? oh yeah, what's that other thing that you smoke that it turns out is bad for you? that stuff your buddies grow? no, not crack, your c.i.a. buddies haven't yet figured out a way to "grow" that. i'm talking about your good ol' buddies phillip and r.j.
you know who i mean. they're the ones who seduced so many of us into sucking on a toxic, cancer-causing agent and fooled us into thinking if they put some fiberglass on one end, it wasn't as bad.
man, i could use a smoke.


quiet and sad weekend. to those who wonder why, give a call or an e-mail, and i'll fill you in. much love to all who know already, and thank you for your love and support.
more smartassed bullshit coming soon, but just not today.


i almost forgot


many thanks to tomatohead. bookmark it now, and beat the rush for the video clips and such.

fuck bush.
sometimes i hate both my home town and my adopted home. it isn't about the residents, though there are certainly plenty in both who put me of a murderous mind. it isn't the st. louis' flat horizon or the knox vegas ssslllooowwwwwnnnnnneeeeesssssssss, though each of those things is enough reason to want to move. the problem is airports. since st. louis is no longer a hub, cheap flights to lesser cities are hard to find. if either of my two claimed homes were more of a destination, the whole process of flying home for a holiday would be easier. as it is, my cheapest option is a flight to houston, connecting to chicago, and then, provided i can figure out how to go back in time while at o'hare, then to nashville, where someone (like my mom) would have to drive two and a half hours to meet us, then two and a half hours back home. i can drive there faster than that.

check out the chocolate goddess of love's website.

fuck bush.

this fuckin' country.


be ready to expatriate or run from the police on a moment's notice. i've been saying that gay marraige was a distraction technique all along, but did anyone believe me? well, yes, some did, then promptly forgot and started back in on it. of course gay people should be able to get married, or have civil unions, or have their life commitments recognized in some way by our government, but see what happens when some very clever gay republican (yes, there are a few) manages to make it an issue. the hicks turn out in droves (and believe me, there are a lot of hicks in this country. try to otherwise explain the popularity of "blue collar tv" "git 'er done" redneck jackass). whenever the hicks turn out in these kinds of numbers, bad things happen (see the civil war).
furthermore, if any of you eighteen to twenty-six-year-olds that i know didn't vote on tuesday, i'm coming to slap the bong out of your hand and beat you with a bible as a taste of what we're in for in the next bush presidency. you don't have to vote the way i do (though you probably will), just vote, slack-ass.

siouxs! and i joined the neighborhood rec plex/gym. i had forgotten i had "lats," but now they are reminding me of their existence.

happy birthday, tomatohead. i hope seattle is treating you right.

fuck bush.