insurance hassle: jack has to go in for surgery next week, and thanks to the barely navigable fine print of my "explanation of benefits" with our new (and not as comprehensive, thanks) insurance, i'm not sure if he's fully covered for the procedure. it may be classified as an elective procedure, so it gets fuzzier already there. the best i can tell, it should be covered, but even if it is, i don't know if i'm on the hook for my deductible, his, or both. i'm already behind paying the hospital for souixs!'s stay when he was born. deductibles are a bunch of shit. insurance in this country is the biggest racket that exists.
the amazing thing to me is how much the baptists who raise me rail against gambling, but nearly every one of them is insured. insurance is just like casino gambling: no one would be in that business if they weren't assured to come out on top. the difference between health insurance and gambling is that if you're taking a lot of money from a casino, they buy you breakfast. if you're taking a lot of money from the insurance company, they might cancel your policy.
vote democrat. they're in quite a few pockets too, but at least it's a step in the right (left) direction.