
handful of things for those who care

tuesday, when i call on oak ridge, siouxs! called to to find out if i was on my way home from oak ridge. she then put jack on the phone and he told me "daddy you're eating okra." i love having kids.

ok, it was just one. i'll get back to you later.


this one's a little frightening... looking through my statcounter hits, someone found this page by searching via ask.com "what would happen if i stuck a live baby weasel up my ass?" on the plus side, i don't seem to have been in the top twenty pages, so this is someone so desperate for said information that s/he was willing to check every lead, no matter how remote.

next time, people, let's make it "what would happen if we stuck a live rabid mongoose up dubya's ass?" or, for the sake of relevancy, "what would happen if we grabbed john mccain by the asshole and turned him inside out?" (answer: a thirty percent decrease in republikkkan shit)


this marks the second day i've stayed home sick with the flu, so therefore the second day i've been unable to make my own sales. i should be back in action tomorrow, and for those who care, so should the rest of casa de thedamned.

not that i've been actively political for a while, but gthedamned hopes to be voting for barack obama. i realize that he's actually the more conservative (by a slim margin) of the two democratic candidates, and feel that clinton would be a fine choice as well, but i have to go with my instincts here and vote for the one who hasn't been there for years (don't call it a comeback). ah, for a day that there is a candidate who believes what i do, but it's hard to find someone as liberal as i can be who still believes in the death penalty. actually, as i think i have stated before, i am in favor of corporal punishments as well, but that isn't likely to happen anytime soon.

short post, just flexing my long underused blogging muscles.


siouxs! called me when she got home today to ask if i had been home at all after dropping jack at the daycare. i said i had, why? the door was wide open, she said, and then turned to the media rack to discover that virtually all of our dvd's and our playstation 2 and all the games were gone. on further inspection (after the police came) we discovered that we were also missing a box from siouxs!'s dresser that looked like a jewelry box, but really contained junk, and a almost brand new 1.75l bottle of rum. we're thinking it was some kids, based on what was taken, when there are more valuable things in the house, but it is no less maddening to think you have been ripped off by a teenager as opposed to an adult. we are otherwise fine, and are thankful that nothing worse happened.

more gthedamned soon, perhaps after i calm down a little.


having returned to the wine business and survived my first busy season as a sales rep, i thought it might be time to post to old gthedamned. some changes since last we spoke

judith katherine judd (katie) was born in late november. she's pretty amazing.

i sold more in an off year than any sales rep at my company in st louis.

i haven't been able to find enough drinking time, so my tolerance is down from the usual.

we're about to buy a new car.

we're likely to have a black man or a white woman as our next president.

tennessee is an interesting place to be right now. i'm (no surprise) the most liberal person i know, but things seem to be swinging leftish since i left. then again, i don't talk to to many evangelicals that aren't relatives, so perhaps that is just my own blinders. perhaps my leftist senses are dulled by my work (i have to be apolitical if i want to make any money).

i have the day off today, and thanks to the fact that i've become more grown up than overgrown kid, i fixed a chair, went to the grocery store, took the recycling, got the oil changed, and prepped for dinner. getting old does wonderful things to us, i guess.

my blogging is a little rusty, so i'll stop here before i get to worn down. i'm gonna be sore tomorrow, i tell you.