
ok, so since both of my readers have requested such, one in person, i will post again. don't get too excited, i get bored easily, and most of my life is not interesting enough to share (or so i'm told).

news from the front
haven will be officially my brother november 8th. my mother sent this news along with a new picture of the lad, and he is painfully cute. though he is really my first cousin once removed, we actually have the same dimple (on our faces, you sick fuck!). last time i talked with my mother, she put the phone up to haven's ear so that i could talk to him. this may well be the dumbest thing i can think of my mother ever doing, but i suppose it is cute to an extent. haven is six months old, and doesn't quite yet grasp the concept of the telephone unless he is truly advanced (which wouldn't surprise me, but i'll not count on it).

go angels. i was pleased to see the giants lose last night, but i must say that rooting for the team that didn't beat your adopted home team takes some of the fun out of the world series. nonetheless, it was a good series, and i probably would have posted more if not for it. well, even though that isn't true, it is a nice lie we tell ourselves nonetheless, right?

i have got to get out of the restaurant biz. the lack of intellectual stimulation is killing me. i have memorized everything i need to know about the job, down to the prices with tax of every item we sell. this is no way for a reasonably intelligent man to live.... but i hear it's hard all over. it does seem though that all of my friends have decent jobs that require more head work than leg. maybe i shoulda got me one a them degrees!

my sketch comedy auditions are rapidly approaching. the group is to be called the bastards karamazov, after a sketch i wrote with andy von crankenhaus. i have written a few things for the audition and hopefully later use. no church groups, please.

finally, i am always late to the new revolutions, i just started playing the sims. suzi is much more deeply addicted than i am, but i know i have a problem. i can't go without my artificial people too long.

there is no rest for the wicked, but at least they have better sex.

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