
i do so certainly hope that everyone is having a pleasant and work free labor day. to those who have to work, my condolences. i personally have accomplished making dinner (it is only right now one o'clock, but chili needs at least a few hours) and grocery shopping. siouxs! is spending one last day at the pool with her sister. labor day is the last chance for laziness of the season for me, as the next month is the busy preparation to the busiest time of the year. due to our overly capitalist society, it is also the busy time of year for virtually everyone else nationwide. we even manage to export our holiday rush to other countries who have adopted our harried way of life. even formerly relaxed europe is starting to do things our way, if only for the sake of competition with us and the other third world countries using wage-slave labor to create things (and non-things).

dubya must be stopped. he's using a tragedy he couldn't care less about (*except inasmuch as the other republikkkans might disown him quick) to take attentions away from the evil things the government is working on for us right now. john roberts has been resubmitted for the supreme court as the chief justice to replace rehnquist, so now he's going to find some preacher's wife abortion-picketing mother of a combat veteran to fill o'connor's spot. the war is still going on unchecked and more violently than it was even six month ago. karl rove still has a job.
don't believe the bastards... watch your television (i hate to advocate it, but turn the sound off).
if our nation were in shock from "earthquake katrina" that ripped through orange county with a vengeance, causing billions of dollars worth of damages to upwards of three houses, dubya and co. would have been there seconds after to survey the chaos, like the pool being out of water and the china cabinet being scratched.

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