

the primary program that we use at work is housed on our server, which has been down since roughly ten this morning (it's now four).  i have officially done everything i can do around here without the use of said program or other server based files, so i have been thouroughly bored for god knows how many hours.  however, here i am (and maybe coming in tomorrow for a few hours...) so i'll post a little post for both my readers and the accidental finns who find my site.
libby down!  if we can get rove and (god willing) cheney, we will have effectively cut the head off the administration.  for those who believe, pray.  for those who don't, hope.  for those who don't hope, drink or smoke or something.
fuck bush



i don't know what to think about the retracted miers nomination.  i'm worried that w's gonna break out some serious wack-job to appease the christian wrong-wing sons of bitches.  does no one understand that a supreme court nomination shouldn't go to anyone who might rule direct from the days talking points?  as if there aren't already enough ways to wave ones ass at justice, now we may just be lucky enough to have reverend justice evan jellical determining that masturbation is unconstitutional, while cheating an electorate is not.
on another note, i was glad to see alissa (and jamie, though i don't know you as well.  from all two or three encounters, you get the seal of approval) this past week.  i also saw two friends who actually live here in the stl, but whom i don't see much thanks to their law schooling.
i'm looking into finishing off my last few hours of wash u.  for those that didn't know, i ended my four years at wash u eleven hours shy of my b.a.  at the time, i was convinced that i was actually owed those hours anyway, so i would have no troubles getting my diploma in the next few months.  well, here it is, five plus years later, and i'm still degreeless.  i'm talking to some people, including my old advisor, with whom i had something of an adversarial relationship.  so, hat in hand, i go back to wash u to see if i can manage to keep my head in for a few classes a semester.  wish me luck.
fuck bush.



it was a weekend of spend, spend, spend, little capitalists.  siouxs! and i did our parts for the economy all weekend long, and we'll not say that it's all done yet.  we still need a fix for the computer at home, but at least there's a new playstation to be utilized.  we also have a new swiss army knife (ok, i got a leatherman; more on that in a moment), new leashes and collars for the dogs, some tools, a bunch of books, and a flogging molly cd.
back to the leatherman... i don't think they could have chosen a worse name for such a product.  for those unfamiliar with the leatherman, it is basically like a swiss army knife with genuinely useful tools like pliers and screwdrivers on it.  for those unfamiliar with leathermen, they are homosexual men into wearing black leather as their sole form of clothing, popularized by one of the village people.  i'm not saying that no leathermen have a leatherman, but perhaps they're not the target market.  i'm just saying.
i'm going to continue not saying much about the bush administration.  they seem to be shooting themselves in the feet as it is, and i don't want to jinx it or anything.
however, i will say
fuck bush.



good god am i bored at work today.  i have done virtually nothing taxing of my brain, ond only a very little taxing of anything else.  this is the sort of time squandering that i so desperately need a few minutes of a day, but when stretched into several hours, it becomes a awfully depressing enterprise.
tom delay seems terribly confident in his chances of being acquited, and perhaps with good reasin.  i mean, we are currently living under the most corrupt/corruptable administration of the last fifty years (including nixon!), so who's to say that the new judge put into place by republicking cronys won't just throw the case out?  scooter and rove seem to be a little stickier, but will probably end up cheating justice as well.  clinton lied about sex, and nearly got impeached.  dubya and the boys (yes, condi, that means you too) have lied about everything from the economy to the war, and appointee credentials to national security, and yet will probably be remembered fondly by "the history books."
i'm scared of the economy, people.  it isn't going to get better the way we're going, let me assure you.
fuck bush



well, the baseball is over.  i suppose i can say go white sox still, but it's just too depressing.  by the time there is baseball again in st. louis, siouxs! and i will have other things on our mind (the baby is due at the beginning of april).  until then, there's always winter league ball, various offseason trades and developments, and such.  and since we're going into the busy season at work, i'll have less time to obsess over the baseball.
i hope i'm convincing you, because i sure as hell ain't buying it.



once again, i have worked on the weekend.  there was a time in my life that i would have preferred to forcibly remove puppy ears than work for even a moment on my weekend (as opposed to "the weekend, " meaning friday evening through sunday night).  now, they didn't even ask me to, i just came in saturday because i needed to catch up and sunday because there was a truck coming in.  ok, to be fair, i came in saturday in the hopes that the truck would come in, and then stayed because i was up, and the dogs were walked, and what else was i going to do?  then i came in on sunday to show my trucking company i mean business when i say i need that product yesterday.  the whole thing was primarily so i wouldn't have to go pour wine with a businessy jerk at the st. louis wine festival.  in that, it was a success.  in watching every second of the cardinals astros came, it was a miserable failure.  the truck arrived at game time, so i didn't get back to the house until the fourth inning or so.  and then we fucking lost, at least somewhat due to bad umpiring.
since everyone seems to pretty much agree with my feelings on bush (approval rating in the mid thirties!), i think i'll give him a slight break. 
dry hump bush.
fuck with all violence and filth and a louisville slugger (nlcs game 4 home plate umpire) cuzzi.


went to game 2 of the nlcs last night... a bit disappointing to say the least, but fun nonetheless.
if i bust my ass this morning, i can get back to zero in the office. i'm roughly four hours of work behnd, not including the extra stuff being piled on me at all times. since i haven't totally finalized my desktop filing system, it's still a big fucking mess, but i'm trying here.
but who cares about that stuff.
the baby still consumes let's say thirty percent of my thoughts. in some ways, i can't wait, but in others, i'm a little bit worried. most of these worries are selfish, but i have no problem admitting to some selfishness (i don't think it's my defining personality characteristic or anything). i suppose most new parents with an adult level of maturity discover that they are capable of more selflessness than they thought they would be. i hope i can at least come close.

fuck bush


another one (mostly) down

i announced to the sales team today about the baby.  they seemed unable to care, though the sales rep i would be least able to handle were we not co-workers told me he thought i'd be good at raising them.  my mom was thrilled (presumably still is) and most of siouxs!'s family was too, but i think after the occurance last year, everyone is still a litte tentative.  to put minds at ease, everything is going well.  siouxs! rented a doppler thing to check the fetal heartbeat, for which i made fun of her, but nonetheless, you should have seen the grin on my face when i heard it for the first time (i have been forced to miss a few of her doctor appointments for work).
i'd like to hope that i won't be losing my edge as a comedian as most seem to after their children are born (think denis leary or chris rock).  my theory is that since they hit before the kids and then continued after, they were perceived as getting softer.  since i have never hit big (or small, for that matter), there will be no basis for comparison.  plus, i fully intend to corrupt this kid pretty early, so i won't have to watch my language around the house as much, adn that's got to help...
i'm going to be someone's dad.  (peals of maniacal laughter)
fuck bush.