
another one (mostly) down

i announced to the sales team today about the baby.  they seemed unable to care, though the sales rep i would be least able to handle were we not co-workers told me he thought i'd be good at raising them.  my mom was thrilled (presumably still is) and most of siouxs!'s family was too, but i think after the occurance last year, everyone is still a litte tentative.  to put minds at ease, everything is going well.  siouxs! rented a doppler thing to check the fetal heartbeat, for which i made fun of her, but nonetheless, you should have seen the grin on my face when i heard it for the first time (i have been forced to miss a few of her doctor appointments for work).
i'd like to hope that i won't be losing my edge as a comedian as most seem to after their children are born (think denis leary or chris rock).  my theory is that since they hit before the kids and then continued after, they were perceived as getting softer.  since i have never hit big (or small, for that matter), there will be no basis for comparison.  plus, i fully intend to corrupt this kid pretty early, so i won't have to watch my language around the house as much, adn that's got to help...
i'm going to be someone's dad.  (peals of maniacal laughter)
fuck bush.

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