
tell me i'm celebrating too early if you must, but oh hellmotherfuckinyeah! the hole they dug was too deep to climb out of with political trickery, and when you have no moral ground to stand on, it's pretty hard to effectivley attack your opponent's "values."

here in the mighty mo, claire mccaskill won our senate seat (now's the time to start working against kit bond), the minimum wage was increased, and the jury is still out on the stem cell initiative. i'm obviously hoping that one passes too, but i am pretty thrilled at the gains already determined.

this is a start.

i had a thought last night. the struggle between liberalism and conservativism ought to be a matter of idealism versus wisdom. if that were true, then the middle ground would be the correct path nearly every time. as it is, both "sides" are led by people who care more for getting and maintaining power than ruling effectively. i suppose in a way this is one of the basic flaws with democracy, but such is life. now is not the time to worry too much about democracy's flaws. today is a day of celebration, for tomorrow we get to work.

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