
so, i put a counter down at the bottom of the page, and last time i looked, it had 26 hits in a week, none of them "return visitors." if you are a member of the secret service assigned to monitor this blog, hi! i know that you're only a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. in times where i like the president (such as 1993-2000), you are there to protect him/her from the nutjobs with guns or whatever tool of harm may come into play. (note: i don't have any guns. i don't even have any pocket knives since i forgot i had one in my pocket at the airport.)
so keep up the good work, secret service person. i'm no real threat, but i hope you at least enjoy what i have to say from time to time.
that said, fuck bush. (blue thirty-one, the eagle is buggered)

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