
this is all i am going to say about terry schiavo (at least today). when dubya was governor of tejas, he signed a law stating that people determined to be in a persistant vegetative state whose families cannot pay for continued treatment are to have their feeding tubes removed. (i don't often imbed links to blogs of people i don't know, but this gentleman had all of the facts i needed at the top of a google search results list, so thanks, Mark A. R. Kleiman.)
there's going to be a draft. i don't care what the politicians and officers say, there is going to be a draft. i'm glad i'm jsut six months away from being too old to get drafted. i suppose i'm also glad that my stepbrother michael volunteered for the marine corps rather than being drafted, if only on principle. at least as a volunteer, he stands a chance of getting to pick his area of service, or so i am led to believe.
the drive to kc yesterday wasn't so bad. i got a pretty good lunch out of it, anyway, and got to hang with kingston for a few minutes. i like to tell people that kingston is such a good friend because i can tell him the same stories over and over again and he never remembers that i've told him before. the man has no event memory whatsoever, and he is fine with that. he can tell you every spec of his old gr6 motorcycle (or whatever; i'm not a bike guy), but doesn't remember how many times i've been to kc since he moved there (it's 3, if you're curious, which you only would be if you're kingston [and if you're kingston, you've long since forgotten that i write on this blog]). what a guy. i miss that dude.
so, fuck gw bush, and tom delay, and jeb bush, and i hope at least one bush daughter has the syph. (wow, that was just mean for no reason... but i'll bet they think that daddy's a good president, so they deserve it anyway.)

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