game one. i am going to be breathing cardinals today through friday, when the birds come back home. it's really kind of absurd how much of a baseball fan i've become. growing up knox vegas style, there were the knoxville blue jays, later changed to the knoxville/tennessee smokies (and were, at least then, a stl farm club), and when i was younger, we used to go to bill myers stadium to watch some fine minor league ball. if i saw a total of six innings in the perhaps dozen games i attended over the years, i would be amazed. i didn't know what to watch for, and subsequently didn't care too much about the outcome. i was mostly preoccupied with the "bad part of town" in which bill myers stadium sits (i think they tore it down), and fellow fans. i was also entranced by the sometime mascot (for minor league baseball, as far as i can tell), "the famous chicken," who was famous, apparently, on the virtue of being both famous and a chicken. if the chicken's website is to be trusted, he is also famous for being from san diego. how exactly i made the transition from caring more about the antics of a man in a chicken suit than the game being played to the rabid cardinal fan i am today is a story best left up to my therapist/psychiatrist/warden some day.
on a totally unrelated note, without ever having been to a 4h meeting, i think i have guessed what all those h's stand for. here's my list, but don't correct me if i'm wrong: horticulture, husbandry, home economics, and ho's. if that isn't the real 4, i'll eat my hat. more specifically, the beef jerky hat my cousin made me in 4h.
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