
today the feds determined that sick people can't utilize the one thing (the one natural thing, i might add, more on that later) that can make them feel better. i'm speaking of our dear friend mary jane, commonly known as weed, because it would grow like one across this great nation had some anti mexican sentiment not turned it into the devil. speaking as a person who has watched more than a few people die slowly, i have waited and begged a nonexistant higher power to change the minds of our elected officials, or more importantly, their small-minded constituents, to change the law and ease the pain. i won't go into the long list of reasons pot should be legal and my own favorite vice, the hooch, should not, but suffice to say, i am most dissapointed in this display of filthy oligarchic/aristocratic foolishness.
here's the theory, folks. some pharmaceutical company greed-eater determined that there were too many people who were not forced to fill their already weakened bodies with manufactured poisons (in ten whole states, no less!), so obviously let's start crutch kicking. think about revenues! pain meds, anti depression meds, and anti anxiety meds all increase sales by as much as one tenth of one percent, and if those sons of bitches have figured out a way to make chemo patients hungry, they'll probably roll that out now too.
again, i don't really believe in god, but think about it this way. the repulikkkans have figured out a way to make some more money and jail some more peace-loving people (hippies, yes, but i'll forgive them) by circumventing and outlawing god.
fuck bush with a spliff the size of a redwood. i gotta get the fuck out of this country, man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try B.C. You might be happier there. Plus, Canada is much looser.
Glad to see all is well.
Back to the deep.
