
we've received two container-loads of wine in as many days (yesterday and monday). when i woke up this morning, my back let me know that it wasn't looking forward to a day in the warehouse. sitting at my desk isn't much better, but at least i don't have to pick things up off the floor all day at my desk. today could prove to be rough.
i still haven't forgotten karl rove. can someone take that son of a bitch out back and shoot him, please?
the ultra-right seems far too happy about the john roberts nomination. the senate seems far too ready to confirm him. if the far right were truthful in its statements, it would have to state "we don't want any activist judges legislating from the bench to lean left in their decisions." i'm worried about the state of our "democracy."
does anyone remember that we're still at fucking war? despite all of the bush administration's attempts to make us forget, i remember. the pentagon wants to raise the maximum enlistment age to allow men and women up to 42 years of age to join up. i suppose they're trying to capture that valuable "jealous that i couldn't go to vietnam" demographic that all the advertisers are courting. i hope they do pass that law, if only for the greater chance that some of these armchair super-patriots join up and leave us in peace for a while.
my (step)brother is still in marine boot camp. i'm worried about him.
kind of a depressing post, i know, so i'll end with a slightly different turn.
no superheroes wear flip-flops.

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