
second attempt post-x-mas post

ok, so after yesterday's perfectly annoying post disappearance, here is today's feelings on my christmas holiday.
haven is spoiled utterly rotten, but is still cute as all hell
for the second year in a row, baseball tickets are part of the presents between me and siouxs! 
siouxs! and i bought ourselves a new computer last night.  it was expensive, and currently isn't working well.  we're pretty pissed.
i felt bootsy kick several times over the past weekend.  the whole thing is still kind of surreal to me, but amazing too.
i stopped and got some forties on the way back to make up for the lunatic anti 40oz laws here in st. louis.  i also picked up 4 22oz guinness extra stout (one of my favorites), which i drank last night.  i've been less than stellar today.
fuck bush

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