
letter to the liberals and centrists in washington

dear liberals and centrists with some measure of political clout in washington
what were you thinking?  couldn't you do more to stop this arch-conservative idealogue from getting a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land?  now the only way to get him out will be for him to die or retire, which could take a few minutes/years/decades. 
centrists, this guy is pulling you away from your comfortable middle ground!  i promise you, this new court will not just be a backlash from the crazy liberal rehnquist/scalia run court.  we're going from conservative to neo-con, and those neo-cons are going to kill us all.
liberals, how have your heads not fucking exploded yet?  this guy should be like the devil walking around in the vatican.  reject him like a transplant gone horribly wrong.
it seems that everyone who isn't a republikkkan has become resigned to the fact that they just play politics better than everyone else.  they're a unified evil, and that helps.  however, recent events have exposed their hooves to the world.  it's up to us to pull off the rest of the disguise and show the arrow tails, goat legs, and horns far and wide.
and then, we should kill and eat them.


lunch beer

i can really go for a beer most days around eleven am.  i so rarely get to indulge this pleasure, but every few weeks or so, i go to lunch with the warehouse manager at a pretty good irish pub two minutes from the office.  i get two beers in, the tiniest buzz imaginable, and suddenly the next hour or two at work is better.
people in this country used to drink morning, noon, and night.  what's happened to us as a group?  between the evangelical assholes, the overly liberal wusses, and the culture of victimhood, no one can have any fun anymore.
saturday night will be poker night at our humble abode.  it may also see the (re)birth of outrageous sketch comedy in st. louis.


r.i.p. chris penn

footloose and reservoir dogs will from now on make me a little more teary eyed.
that bastard alito is going to be on the supreme court for life!  don't you idiots understand that?  (by "you idiots," i'm referring to the countless senators who read this blog).  vote that son of a bitch down, or we'll be back in 1853 before you know it.  that's right.  you heard it here first.  sam alito believes in slavery.  let the rumormongering begin!
assuming that one catches hold, i think condi rice eats babies.
fuck bush and all the bushies


2 many blog postings

2 posts in a day, 'cause i'm that fucking mad.
dubya told the anti-abortions contingent that he was doing what he could and that he was praying for roe v wade to be overturned, et cetera.  i think i have another question for him.
11: who's going to take care of all these unwanted childen you propose to save?  social services are being slashed left and right.  school districts are going bankrupt.  "no child left behind" is a dismal failure.
let's save the schiavo's and all the little fetuses.  let's guarantee a perpetual underclass.  if the bush twins got pregnant, bet there'd be abortions to be had.  (ok, i'll not make such a strong assumption.  let's presume the father was black, then go with the same theory...)

get thee to a press conference

stop the fucking presses. 
george dubya bush is going to take real live unscripted questions from people in his speeches.  somehow, this is front page news.
audience plants who look like "the common person" don't impress me.  if, by some outlandish stretch of the imagination, they actually let people off the street talk to the bastard, i have a few questions.
1: in what way is loading up your administration with your buddies good for the nation?
2: excepting the ones shooting at our troops on the ground in iraq, how are they a threat to us again?
2.1: are the iraqi citizens we're slaughtering on a massive scale (to be fair, the insurgents are killing plenty of iraqis too) still a danger to us, the most powerful nation on earth?
3: how can we continue to use our military muscle to bully places like n. korea considering how overextended we are in iraq?
4: how many terrorist attacks have your department of homeland security stopped?  4.1: how many did clinton's administration stop with the fbi, cia, and various other agencies already in place?
5: do you honestly believe that your economic policies are benefiting the majority of americans?
6: do you believe the neo-conservative talking points you spew, or is that just an easy way to snag a homophobic, xenophobic, and racist constituency that wouldn't be caught by your real agenda, namely to rob the poor and give to the rich?
7: why do all of the men going down in the jack abramhoff scandal seem to be friends of yours, rather than your seriously defamed political enemies?
8: why does karl rove still have a job?
9: do you understand the meaning of yellow journalism, and do you realize that it has nothing to do with the n. korean and chinese press badmouthing you every day?
10: do you think the country is better off than it was before you stole the highest office in the land, and why?  please phrase your answer in the form of a resignation.
fucking yahoo news must have been written by rove or mcclellan this morning.


just call me techno-file

using my rudimentary knowlege of computers, i have been transferring files the long way from my old laptop to this new and very powerful machine.  the process is going rather well, i'd say, and i have worked out quite a system.  unfortunately for me, i decided to set up the laptop downstairs, and the main box is upstairs.  at least i'm getting my exercise.
went to the atomic cowboy last night, a pretty swinging bar in the heart of the (primarily) gay/lesbian bar district.  we dig it very much; great ambiance, reasonably priced drinks, good (smelling) food, and most importantly for bootsy, no smoking indoors.  four thumbs up to anyone that finds themselves in the vicinity.
fuck bush



i'm making chicken/sausage/crawfish gumbo.  anyone i know in the st louis area today or tomorrow is welcome to some.  anyone not is missing out.
fuck bush


damn it, reid!

don't back down, demokkkrats!  sure, we're not always in the same camp on everything, but nonetheless, i got your back here.  get mean and stay mean!  they aren't human, so it's ok.  harry reid, don't apologize for a damned thing.  fight dirty if you must, and when they try to call you on it, remind them that you are the pot, and they are the black hole, from which not even light can escape.  that's right.  that's how much the republikkkans suck.
breastfeeding class was last night.  who knew tits were so complex?


free the odb! from the grave!

quick politics, then it'll be out of my system... fuck 'em up, hillary!  give 'em hell.  (oh, and my new political party when i run for something in twenty or so years will be pro-pro-lifer-death.)
weren't the critics saying reality tv was dead two years ago?  why is there going to be another survivor?  how are they still making fear factor?  sometimes i think the majority of people in this country need to be sterilized to save future generations. 
try to use the phrase "sweet zombie jesus" in the near future.  i think you'll enjoy it.


googling yourself sounds even dirtier

so now you can see a satellite photo of your house if you type your address into google.  at least for now, it's not up to the minute, but we're heading there.  time to work on a better tinfoil hat, people.
you'd think that the white house would be keeping its fat dirty mouth shut these days, what with the fact that republikkkan is about two thirds of the way to being wholly synonymous with "lying corrupt scumbag," but no, they're still on the attack, trying to make the rest of us lay down from the sheer amount of their gall.  if my respect was given out based on the size of one's figurative balls, i would be voting republikkkan myself.  instead, i am more outraged than ever.  the dirty trick of the moment is to discredit al gore, a job that would seem to have been completed sometime in 2000, by no less a body than the dirty dirty supreme court.  clinton/gore white house needs to bend the rules, they then go to congress, asking for a new interpretation of the rules, as the circumstances of the original ruling don't exactly apply.  bush/cheney white house needs to bend the rules, it says "fuck the rules, i'm the most powerful being in the universe" then follows with "as it was, as it ever shall be, now bend over."
those bastards
fuck 'em all, goddamnit, just fuck 'em all


baby school

saturday morning, siouxs! and i attended a three and a half hour class about infant care taught by what had to be the least popular nurse in neonatal.  she was a rambler, so we didn't get to the things that actually would have been most helpful, like the best way to bathe a baby.  we ran long, and she kept those of us who are planning to use cloth diapers for our children even longer to show us what we're probably never going to have to do, namely to use diaper pins without sticking the baby (not a hard concept, as my mom's quite the seamstress).
nonetheless, i'm glad we took the class.  we did learn a few things, i guess, and we had at least one good laugh at the nurse's expense (ask siouxs! about "sparse heads" sometime).  mostly, it was a good way to alleviate a little anxiety about the fact that we're only a few months away from having responsibility for another human being.
more baby classes are on the horizon.  should they warrant, i'll mention them.
that bastard alito is probably going to be put on the supreme court.  where did we go wrong?  they had the republikkkans on the ropes, and now they're just giving them a pass?  is this about the hobo-killing that starts every senate and house term of office?  i thought that was bipartisan!  you sons of bitches, what have i done?
fuck sam alito and john roberts



i consider myself to be reasonable proficient on the computer.  i can't program or anything like that, but at the very least, i can figure out most of what i need to do.  i'm by no means great at the damned things, but good enough for my purposes.  what's sad is that i'm the (second) best in my office.  when anyone has a computer problem, i'm the one they come to, and in the vast majority of cases, i have no idea what to tell them even though i could probably do what they need me to do. 
this is among the most pointless posts since the start of my blog, but that's only fitting, since i've had such a pointlessly busy few days.  yesterday, i got to go through a five year long list of "paperwork" on the computer and reprint it all.  today, i got to do the same thing for a totally unrelated reason.  i've put together report after report, and in the end, all for naught.
sorry to bitch
yesterday it was 65 and sunny.  now it's snowing.  got to love this st. louis weather.
fuck bush


bootsy's interbot presence

ok, i realize i'm a fucking geek in general.  i've spent hours of time on the internet looking up toys and cartoons from my childhood.  i'm a cryptozoology fan.  evolutionary biology and i are pals.
here's a new element to my geekdom.  join me, will you?  i have started an internet pool about the details of my unborn child's entrance into the world.  if you are interested in participating, go here and enter BootsyGame in the box on the top left.


bootsy's interbot presence

ok, i realize i'm a fucking geek in general.  i've spent hours of time on the internet looking up toys and cartoons from my childhood.  i'm a cryptozoology fan.  evolutionary biology and i are pals.
here's a new element to my geekdom.  join me, will you?  i have started an internet pool about the details of my unborn child's entrance into the world.  if you are interested in participating, go here and enter BootsyGame in the box on the top left.


tired ass monday

i was up way too late last night.  i should have gone to bed at least three beers before i actually did.  i'm paying for it today, though lunch certainly helped.
i have my statcounter working again, and it appears that someone did some serious catching up (30+ pageloads for 3 consecutive days).  that makes me feel better.
bootsy is kicking like crazy these days.  saturday morning, i had my arm over siouxs!'s belly, and along the whole length of it, i kept feeling little bumps.
it's still pretty amazing to me that i'm going to be a daddy, but i'm as ready as i ever will be.


burn 'em all down

i was so thrilled this morning to hear that abramhoff is going to name names.  can you imagine how beautiful this could be?  dubya and co will try to figure out how to bury it, but unless the republikkkans come with some fresh integrity, this could do irreparable damage (assuming a populace with a longer memory than a goldfish, which is a pretty big assumption).  i see a more balanced house after '06 elections, and perhaps even a shift in the senate.  ok, it's wishful thinking.  they're just better at this stuff than we liberals are.  they have fewer scruples.  less moral objection to get in the way of the dollar.
still, five or ten good scapegoats isn't asking too much, is it?
fuck bush.


happy arbitrary reset button

so, it's a new year, right?  that should mean, at least theoretically, that everyone gets a new lease on life, or at least the chance the renegotiate the terms of their existing lease.  resolutions are for the weak, but i have one anyway.  i vow to type "the" instead of "teh" more in the coming year.  i don't know how i'll be able to check on that, so i think i can already cross it off of my list. resolutions that leave you with a lower feeling of self worth are hte worst.
i have the day off, and other than playing games on the intermess, i plan to do very little.  oh, i may wash the dishes if the mood strikes me, or even finish the laundry.  what i won't do is start any new projects or anything else along those lines.  a day off is a day off, damn it.  i will call my mom, but that's not a big chore or anything.  i should scratch down a few things i've been meaning to tell her about.
this is a pointless blog post.  i hope 2006 doesn't prove to be a pointless post year.  (well, at least a few things might change come midterm elections, right?
fuck bush.