dear liberals and centrists with some measure of political clout in washington
what were you thinking? couldn't you do more to stop this arch-conservative idealogue from getting a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land? now the only way to get him out will be for him to die or retire, which could take a few minutes/years/decades.
centrists, this guy is pulling you away from your comfortable middle ground! i promise you, this new court will not just be a backlash from the crazy liberal rehnquist/scalia run court. we're going from conservative to neo-con, and those neo-cons are going to kill us all.
liberals, how have your heads not fucking exploded yet? this guy should be like the devil walking around in the vatican. reject him like a transplant gone horribly wrong.
it seems that everyone who isn't a republikkkan has become resigned to the fact that they just play politics better than everyone else. they're a unified evil, and that helps. however, recent events have exposed their hooves to the world. it's up to us to pull off the rest of the disguise and show the arrow tails, goat legs, and horns far and wide.
and then, we should kill and eat them.