stop the fucking presses.
george dubya bush is going to take real live unscripted questions from people in his speeches. somehow, this is front page news.
audience plants who look like "the common person" don't impress me. if, by some outlandish stretch of the imagination, they actually let people off the street talk to the bastard, i have a few questions.
1: in what way is loading up your administration with your buddies good for the nation?
2: excepting the ones shooting at our troops on the ground in iraq, how are they a threat to us again?
2.1: are the iraqi citizens we're slaughtering on a massive scale (to be fair, the insurgents are killing plenty of iraqis too) still a danger to us, the most powerful nation on earth?
3: how can we continue to use our military muscle to bully places like n. korea considering how overextended we are in iraq?
4: how many terrorist attacks have your department of homeland security stopped? 4.1: how many did clinton's administration stop with the fbi, cia, and various other agencies already in place?
5: do you honestly believe that your economic policies are benefiting the majority of americans?
6: do you believe the neo-conservative talking points you spew, or is that just an easy way to snag a homophobic, xenophobic, and racist constituency that wouldn't be caught by your real agenda, namely to rob the poor and give to the rich?
7: why do all of the men going down in the jack abramhoff scandal seem to be friends of yours, rather than your seriously defamed political enemies?
8: why does karl rove still have a job?
9: do you understand the meaning of yellow journalism, and do you realize that it has nothing to do with the n. korean and chinese press badmouthing you every day?
10: do you think the country is better off than it was before you stole the highest office in the land, and why? please phrase your answer in the form of a resignation.
fucking yahoo news must have been written by rove or mcclellan this morning.
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