

i consider myself to be reasonable proficient on the computer.  i can't program or anything like that, but at the very least, i can figure out most of what i need to do.  i'm by no means great at the damned things, but good enough for my purposes.  what's sad is that i'm the (second) best in my office.  when anyone has a computer problem, i'm the one they come to, and in the vast majority of cases, i have no idea what to tell them even though i could probably do what they need me to do. 
this is among the most pointless posts since the start of my blog, but that's only fitting, since i've had such a pointlessly busy few days.  yesterday, i got to go through a five year long list of "paperwork" on the computer and reprint it all.  today, i got to do the same thing for a totally unrelated reason.  i've put together report after report, and in the end, all for naught.
sorry to bitch
yesterday it was 65 and sunny.  now it's snowing.  got to love this st. louis weather.
fuck bush

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