
so since i haven't posted it yet, if anyone wants to send me an e-mail (which i sincerely doubt, as this is hardly the most interesting blog of the last two you've read), my address is maggotbrain@excite.com. if that link doesn't work, i'll try to put one up that does, soon, i swear. ok, probably not. i get enough email i don't really want.
so, who's up for some drugs, eh?
sorry about that. there have been times in my life in which i allowed drugs and alcohol to get the better of me. after elementary school, though, i learned to handle myself a little better. now i live a nearly vice-free existence. i'll be right back, i have to get a beer and smoke a cigarette.
(insert pause. you should go listen to a medium short funk song, which should clock in at about seven minutes.)
as i was saying, the key to drugs and alcohol is moderation. wait a minute, i've never said anything like that in my life. so i don't know if i've mentioned it, but when i'm at home, i smoke on the front porch. this is because suzi is a recent non-smoker, and no one likes a whole house reeking of cigarettes, even me. now, i get to go outside and feel the loving kiss of the 93 degree st louis night. thank dog for air conditioning. thank doug i don't feel like writing anymore.

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