
well, today was my last day of work at the chocolate bar before my vacation, and i am loving that. i don't have to go back there until a week from tuesday. i don't have to talk about single origin chocolate, fantastic home-made desserts, or chocolate covered strawberries for over a week!
this is something that has been weighing on my mind for the last, oh, say, nine years. why, non-food service persons, would anyone be rude to the person who is going to be handling something you intend to eat? where is the logic in fucking with someone wielding that kind of power? i don't do gross things to people's food, but i damn sure could if pressed in just the right way. i know lots of servers and cooks who do, so why do we as an industry take so much shit?
"there's something very interesting about this cheesecake... i can't quite put my finger on it"

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