
turkish hangover

i hope everyone had a pleasant turkish day.  ours was pretty good, and the four day weekend was most welcome in this the busy season for social drunks and therefore we in the vino slangin' business.  a few high and low points:
-turkish day was held at the home of siouxs!'s oldest brother and his not so popular wife.  they moved out to eureka, home of six flags over jesus christ.  the neighborhood is sterile and sickening, but is on one of the few large hills to be found in the greater st. louis area, so at least you can see the sameness for miles and miles.  the turkey was good, the high-life was better.
-walk the line... i recommend it.  there were a few times i couldn't stay in the moment, but on the whole, it was quite good.
-i seem to be a tony hawk's xxxxxxxx whichever ps2 game savant.  i'm not that good at other video games, but by god can i play that series
-friday was "buy nothing day," so that's what we did.  no after thanksgiving sales, no eating out, no filling up the tank.  it was a good day.
-saturday was siouxs!'s ten year high school reunion.  i went to dinner with them.  the dinner was good, siouxs!'s friend kate was a nightmare.  she couldn't stop talking about how much money she'd donated to the school or the reunion committee, how much she loved living on the east coast and the culture boost that implied, and how hot all the boys found her.  had i not been under promise to not be deliberately mean to her, i would have had a much better story to tell here.
-i was supposed to have a forty drinking evening with the wife's sister's boyfriend, but it never materialized.
there was a bit more, but i'll get into it in a later post.


those bastards

we all knew it was happening, now some guy's written a book about it.  check it out
please, can we at least advance to being like the third most backwards nation?  must we be number one, dubya, huh?

monday morning cool

the ultrasound went well.  everything is normal with bootsy.  "he" is big; thirteen ounces at the moment when the average fetus is 10-12, and is about the size of my hand.  the nurse kept trying to get a good shot of "his" face, but bootsy kept "his" arms up in front the whole time.  perhaps we have a boxer in the making, though we'd prefer a baseball player.
the nurse kept shaking the ultrasound thingy around on siouxs! belly in an effort to make bootsy move "his" arms, but to no avail.  the shaking bugged me a little.  i guess she would know better than i, but why would that work in the first place?  "he" was squirming around a lot, but didn't move those little arms enough to get the good face picture.  in the next day or two, i'm going to upload an ultrasound photo, which i may or may not post (they don't mean that much unless you saw them in motion.
thanks for the good juju, sr. leab.  thanks also to emily, my friendly blog comment spammer, who feels certain that she has something of interest for me.  no thanks to statcounter, who has shown me a big zero for way too many days (not all af which can possibly be for true).
and a big fucking wad of meanfuckery to our dear friends and protectors the republikkkan party, for reminding us all that rich boys who got draft deferments know a lot more about patriotism and righteous causes for war than those who actually served their country in uniform.


friday morning nerves

for any number of reasons, i'm a little nervy today.  i'm at a sticking point at work, so there's not much i can do without getting into a huge project i won't have time to finish today.  they've been talking about hiring someone at work via an internet wine jobs posting, but haven't talked too much to me about it, which makes me wary of my own status.  third, and most nervewracking, today siouxs! has an ultrasound, so we can see that the baby is progressing nicely.  i have missed the first two this go round.  the last ultrasound i was present for (last year), we basically found out that we'd lost the baby, though it took a few more days for it all to seem final.  i know that there's no connection between the two, but there's also the fact that today is one year from the date last year when it was certain.  circumstances are wildly different this time, but i'm scared still.  i have to be the strong one for siouxs!, but times like this, it's pretty fucking hard to do.
pray (if you do that) or think about us.  it will be greatly appreciated.


monday morning bourbonsweating

last night, i made siouxs! and me a steak dinner, complete with baked potato, broccoli and bread (i skipped the red wine/bordelais sauce, because of the fetus, who for the sake of brevity and class will from now until the birth be known as bootsy).  afterwards, i was so full that a beer would make me burst, so instead, i had a double bourbon on the rocks.  that one was so good that i had another.  during the second double, skip came over and had a rum and coke, so i switched to that.  i had perhaps three of them.  then i switched again, this time to beer (as by now, i was not so full).  then i found myself on a magical journey to blackout island.  today, i woke up woozy, but no headache.  the only symptom so far has been the booze sweat, which i can feel more than smell.  i've heard not to switch liquors midstream, but it seems to have worked out ok for me (this time at least).
dubya is still smarting from his ass being burned many times over, so i feel no need to rail against him today.  i will however mention that he called critics of the iraq war "deeply irresponsible," which is a gut wrenching laugh if i've ever heard one.
fuckin' sons of bitches, when will they learn?


i forgot to mention in my last post that i spoke to my (step)brother on tuesday. he is doing well at camp pendleton, and i expect will make a really great marine. though i don't agree with how his government will use him, he will be quite good at whatever they put him to. i just hope he is capable of retaining his inherent kindness after he returns from "the sandbox" (his name, not mine), where it seems likely he will go, even with his amphibious vehicle training.
pentagon sons of bitches.
fuck bush.



it would seem that the republikkkans are melting down.  with scandal after scandal, dollars for influence, and entrenched power being recognized to be something other than divinity, i get the feeling that we're about to see a paradigm shift.  i for one would love to see a less evil republikkkan party, with sane fiscal conservatives like john mccain in positions of leadership.  i still won't be voting for any of the bastards, but at least i won't have to hate the people who vote for them so much.  wouldn't it be sweet if the religious bastards got so pissed off they formed their own party, thus forever splitting the "conservative" vote?  perhaps this is a bit of a pipe dream, and wanting the religious right to organize more than they already are is like wanting your enemies to do marching drills so they form a more consolidated area at which to shoot. 
i don't know if i mentioned last post, but i had to go to kc for the last couple of days.  our driver/warehouse guy out there gave us one day notice on thursday (though from the state of the warehouse when i got there, he seems to have checked out well before that), so i had to drive there monday morning and back tuesday night.  in between those two four hour drives, i got to make deliveries and unload a container-load of wine.  i'm not trying to bitch to all three of my regular readers, i'm just saying that i had a hard start to my week.  tomorrow is the dreaded sales meeting (my favorite useless bitchfest of the week), so at least the weekend looms large on the horizon.  and to anyone that knows him, kingston says hi.



ok, i'll speak to the alito nomination in another post.  right now, i'm more concerned with tax reform.  watch the bastards.  there seems to be a shift toward "taxing consumption" as opposed to taxing wealth.  while i have no doubt that the individual upper-class citizen would pay more in dollars were there a national sales tax, the percentage of their income would be virtually nothing in comparison to those in lower tax brackets (at least the proposals don't get rid of tax brackets).  this is a sneaky way of txing the poor and the middle class harder than before, since the poor and middle class are likely to have to spend a large percentage or even all of their income toward "consumption."  this means the wealthy, who have money that is sitting in a mutual fund somewhere not contributing to "consumption" (or trickling down, for those assholes who still think reaganomics might fucking work) are not being taxed.  one of the biggest problems with wealth in this country is that not enough of it makes it into the economic mill, and if these plans are put into place, it won't even be taxed to speak of. 
perhaps i need to take some economics classes.  i have only the most basic understanding of these things, but thank god for my mom the accountant.  oh yeah, simplifying the tax codes could also put as many as half of tax preparers out of work.
fuck bush