

ok, i'll speak to the alito nomination in another post.  right now, i'm more concerned with tax reform.  watch the bastards.  there seems to be a shift toward "taxing consumption" as opposed to taxing wealth.  while i have no doubt that the individual upper-class citizen would pay more in dollars were there a national sales tax, the percentage of their income would be virtually nothing in comparison to those in lower tax brackets (at least the proposals don't get rid of tax brackets).  this is a sneaky way of txing the poor and the middle class harder than before, since the poor and middle class are likely to have to spend a large percentage or even all of their income toward "consumption."  this means the wealthy, who have money that is sitting in a mutual fund somewhere not contributing to "consumption" (or trickling down, for those assholes who still think reaganomics might fucking work) are not being taxed.  one of the biggest problems with wealth in this country is that not enough of it makes it into the economic mill, and if these plans are put into place, it won't even be taxed to speak of. 
perhaps i need to take some economics classes.  i have only the most basic understanding of these things, but thank god for my mom the accountant.  oh yeah, simplifying the tax codes could also put as many as half of tax preparers out of work.
fuck bush

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