
monday morning bourbonsweating

last night, i made siouxs! and me a steak dinner, complete with baked potato, broccoli and bread (i skipped the red wine/bordelais sauce, because of the fetus, who for the sake of brevity and class will from now until the birth be known as bootsy).  afterwards, i was so full that a beer would make me burst, so instead, i had a double bourbon on the rocks.  that one was so good that i had another.  during the second double, skip came over and had a rum and coke, so i switched to that.  i had perhaps three of them.  then i switched again, this time to beer (as by now, i was not so full).  then i found myself on a magical journey to blackout island.  today, i woke up woozy, but no headache.  the only symptom so far has been the booze sweat, which i can feel more than smell.  i've heard not to switch liquors midstream, but it seems to have worked out ok for me (this time at least).
dubya is still smarting from his ass being burned many times over, so i feel no need to rail against him today.  i will however mention that he called critics of the iraq war "deeply irresponsible," which is a gut wrenching laugh if i've ever heard one.
fuckin' sons of bitches, when will they learn?

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