translation: let the good times [robert] goulet
happy mardi gras. we'll be attending the parade tonight, as it's going to be seventy fucking degrees in february, because there is no such thing as global warming. (by the way, i do understand that global warming has nothing to do with individual day/location temperatures, but the average person doesn't, so i'll keep to the populist spirit with which this blog was founded.)
give me the motherfucking gun, trey. or failing that, another phone call attempt. just not tonight, because...
happy birthday, mom, who hopefully doesn't read this foul-mouthed blog
actually, it's not her real birthday, as she was born on leap year day, but, try not calling her this time of year for three years out of four, and see how she likes it (answer: not at all).
34% approval rating for baby dub, 18% for Darth Cheney... lets get those impeachment wheels a'turnin'! can't anyone make a good effigy these days? excuse me, a good american made effigy. they're pretty good at it in all those countries that "hate freedom."
speaking of hating freedom, when's the last time anyone heard anything about osama bin laden, huh? i get the feeling we're going to see him on a vh1 "where are they now?" special before this administration gets around to catching that bastard. i think they're using him as a potential political chip. they have him located (within a four inch margin of error), and are going to break him out in 2008, right about the time the supreme court determines that the two term limit on the presidency is unconstitutional.
strike while the iron has low approval ratings, people!
fuck that remaining 34%/18%.