
welcome to the lou, hurricane girl

skip and krobar, happy housewarming.  get back onto a normal sleep schedule before mardi gras.
on the topic of mardi gras, this year was the first in several that we didn't attend the festivities in soulard, and i really can't say i was disappointed.  while i do usually have fun when we go to "the country's second largest mardi gras celebration," i'm fairly certain that i would have a good time being drunk before noon any time of year, not just in the pre-lenten season.  i've been to nawlins' too many times to be all that impressed with soulard.  no offense, but midwesterners will never be able to throw that kind of bash, even if our cops weren't such tightasses about the whole thing.
i haven't posted anything about baseball yet, largely because it's not that kind of weblog, but for a little change of pace, here we go.  i am really looking forward to this year's baseball season.  my cardinals have been through a lot of turmoil through the offseason, but i feel the makings of a great year.  in fact, i see a good baseball year in general, for a lot of teams (and i see a few of them crashing and burning, like the overspending blue jays and the underspending marlins).  i am something of a recent convert to the redbird nation, having only paid them close attention for about three years, but baseball has long been my favorite sport to watch.  that said, i really didn't watch anything but the world series for several years.  that has changed, and now i watch as much baseball as i can without breaking down and getting cable (still holding strong ten years in!) and listen to the radio for those games i can't see.
go cards
fuck bush

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