i'm continuing to shout at the top of my cyberlungs about the domestic spying issue. goddamned television, we have such short attention spans in this country. if a scandal doesn't involve sex, we can't talk about it for more than a week or two before 95% of americans are bored and change the channel.
don't forget, america, that your president feels that he can spy on you without legal authority.
don't forget, america, that your president told you we were going to war to stop "terrorist-linked iraq" and their "weapons of mass destruction"
later downgraded to "weapons of mass destruction related program activities," which is easliy enough words to diffuse any real meaning. oh, and there are terrorists in iraq. at least there are now. perhaps that was a prediction, not a statement of fact.
don't forget, america, that your vice president shot a man in the face, and didn't even apologize for days.
don't forget, america, that none of these bastards commanding our army and sending your children to war has ever been in harm's way serving their country.
don't forget, america, that both your president and vice president are making quite a tidy profit off of their own policies (between defense and oil, it's a good time to be unshamefully weathy).
don't forget, america, that the current administration reversed a budget surplus, turning it into the biggest budget deficit in american history, dooming our children to near perpetual recession.
this is due to a tax cut by and for, who else, the obscenely wealthy while simultaneously causing military spending to skyrocket (i would say defense spending, but we've actually cut spending on most things that can be considered actual defense of the country).
don't forget, america, that seventeen of nineteen september 11th hijackers were from saudi arabia, our best authoritarian regime friend in the middle east
and the other two were from the u.a.e., to whom we're selling control of our ports because they're such good friends (to our filthy oil baron president).
don't forget, america, that you've been lied to since the 2000 campaign trail.
republikkkans don't like you. you're not wealthy enough.
don't forget, america, that it is we the people who make this country strong (and fight its wars), not the rich elite.
fuck bush.