ok, look. i have nothing against india at all. i like them, in fact. however, i don't like the fact that they pursued and acquired nuclear weapons despite the world-wide non-proliferation treaty (i have the same beef with israel). what i do want to know is what changed in our relations with india on this presidential visit. let's see, they agreed to accept help with their non-military atomic energy programs, to change nothing at all about their nuclear weapons programs, and what else, exactly?
dubya also talked about india's role as a trade partner with the u.s., saying that some americans focus only on outsourcing. my question to him isn't why are american companies (owned by billionaires) doing so much outsourcing, but rather, why aren't we doing more? sure, tech support and manufacturing, those are the obvious jobs to send away, but what about upper management? the average ceo in the states makes hundreds of times what the average employee makes... if we outsourced that job too, that could be merely a few grand! think of the savings!
outsource our whole freakin' economy while you're at it. eventually, you rich bastards will require enough servants to employ all of us who aren't in jail, right?
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