there are no catholics in my office, which is good, not because i don't like catholics, but because today is the day when i accidentally tell one of them "you've got some shit on your forehead" every year without fail.
went to the downtown mardi gras parade last night, and was as usual disappointed in the float quality level, but had a good time nonetheless. amazingly enough, i did not drink, though not from lack of desire. it seems that the actual fat tuesday parade in the stl is the "family" version, with far less beer and boobs to enliven the festivities. the kids are cute, but it's still just a six block parade.
i have and will always continue to be a skeptic about st louis's mardi gras. since nawlins is something of an adopted home for me, i can't get over how uptight my current city of residence gets about everything. the cops turn to complete dicks (not that there's that far for them to go), and the local businesses act as though the floods of fools are a burden rather than a revenue increase. at least they lowered the fines for public urination this year...
why i can never run for public office (part one)
conservative opponent: the american people think that baby killing is wrong.
gthedamned for congress: duly noted, but what's their policy on me tearing your head off with my bare hands, drink the blood mixed with overproof rum from your head, and then vomit on your remains? and a followup question, how's this evening look for you?
i just get too passionate about political things, but sometimes i really think i should run for something. mind, i don't even know where i'd start. my thought is, though, i'll lay my shit out there before they try to dig up too much dirt on me. i drink. i used to do drugs. i'm something of a radical. here's what i stand for, and if you don't like it, we can talk about it, but i may start screaming at you. a kinder, gentler gthedamned, who looks to the future and hopes it doesn't have a bunch of neo-con assholes, otherwise, lock and load, it's revolution time.
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