
kill 'em all, and let the devil shake their hands

i'm a few hours late in seeing it, but i just read an americablog post about left wing loonies versus right wing loonies.  the basic premise was that we left wingers don't have the same level of hatred and fear that the right wing psychos do.  i would have to ammend that statement somewhat.  as anyone who has read more than one post of mine knows, i am quite full of anger.  invective spews forth from my mouth and fingertips any time i hear of the latest atrocity.  i seeth every time i see a neo-con bastard lying to the populace on tv, and bubble over with hatred every time i hear republikkkan talking points reported as fact by "objective" news sources.
the difference is that mine is righteous anger.  likely due to my literalist nature, i have an overdeveloped sense of fair play.  i never did fully come to terms with "well, the world is unfair" and as a result, i am a liberal.  fair play also explains to some large extent my belief that not everyone deserves to live.  in my opinion, if a murderer can be proven to have killed another person maliciously, their life is forfeit.  or, on a broader scale, if an administration official sends people off to die with callous disregard for their lives (and on evidence known to be flawed), their lives are equally worthless.
that's right, i am am really saying that.  bush, cheney, rumsfeld, etc. deserve the chair, the gas chamber, lethal injection, hanging, or beheading for the iraq war.  afghanistan is another story; at least we had some reason for being there (though regime change was not it).
i guess my usual fuck bush isn't strong enough today.

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