
an apology to the people of iraq

how civil can a war be, anyway?  the iraqi people are finding out the hard way right about now that the answer is "not goddamned very."  and guess who's to blame?  that's right, it's us.  i'll personally shoulder my share of the responsibility.  when bush stole the white house in 2000, i didn't fight tooth and nail to stop the machinations of evil.  i mean, i railed against him, but i didn't do enough.  in 2002, when congress determined that the government can do pretty much whatever it wants to do, i didn't raise nearly enough hell.  oh, i'd like to think that i swayed the opinions of at least a very few people with my liberal rants, but we were all (myself included) still too stunned by september 11th to fight so hard, and the threat of more terrorist attacks seemed to dull the outrage at being scrutinized at every turn and all but stripsearched at every airport (for some reason, though i'm pretty pale with a whitebread last name, i used to be stopped at every "extra security" check in the airport.  i think they have a problem with goatees.).
when "operation iraqi freedom" began, i was incensed, but i didn't protest every day, or even most days.  i went to a few peace rallies, but, i didn't do enough.  i can see that now.  when that asshole gave his "mission accomplished" speech, i foamed at the mouth, but not in the right locale.  for the past two plus years, i have spoken out in conversations and in cyberspace about how evil and wrong this war is, but to no avail, because it wasn't enough.  at this point, i wonder if an armed insurrection would be enough.  sure, dubya's approval numbers are rapidly approaching single digits, but even with him out, that doesn't take care of the full problem.  there's still cheney, rove, rice, rumsfeld, gonzales, mcclellan, alito, frist, delay, boehner, blunt, hastert, bill o'reilly, chris matthews, sean hannity, ann coulter, rush limbaugh, and any number of other cockroaches ready to eat the bodies of their dead and take their place spewing invective and fooling the american people into thinking that xenophobia, homophobia, and a basic inherent all-pervading fear are patriotism.
i'm sorry, iraq.  i tried, but not hard enough.  please join me, as i'm sure you do every day, in a resounding fuck bush.

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