i was compared to grizzly adams this morning for what i call my "devil-redneck" facial hair look and as yet unshorn locks. in short, i have a lot of hair right now. as perhaps i've blogged before, in lieu of a religion, i tend to make up superstitions, and then follow them until they bore me. this time, shortly before siouxs! learned she was pregnant, i decided i wasn't going to cut my hair until we had a baby. the extra facial hair is a recent addition that won't be summarily removed when the baby is born. it will last until siouxs! can't stand the moustache anymore, and then perhaps another two days while i pretend "it's my face, and i'll do what i want."
south dakota, you bastards. well, it's a fight now, isn't it? seven out of nine justices on the supreme court vote republikkkan, but not every republican is a republikkkan, so i guess we'll see if any of them have the integrity to stand on the precedent rather than bow and scrape to the "conservative base" (after all, though it's a lifetime appointment for them, it's an election year for lots of their buddies...).
at&t was forced to split into many smaller companies, one of which (sbc, formerly southwestern bell) is all groweds-up and now is buying the old at&t remnant and name, making it as big as it was before. who would have thought that an industry once chided for its monopoly might regain it under the bush "fuck the little guy" administration? i smell bad things for the little guy.
fuck bush.
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